Hot sale HITACHI EX700 OIL SEAL 165 X 136.5 X 12 MM (OEM HI 0884501) | Tonkee®

Hot sale HITACHI EX700 OIL SEAL 165 X 136.5 X 12 MM (OEM HI 0884501) | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX700 OIL SEAL 165 X 136.5 X 12 MM (OEM HI 0884501) | Tonkee®
The primary function of the Hitachi EX700 oil seal is to prevent the leakage of hydraulic fluids or lubricants from the excavator's various hydraulic and mechanical components. These fluids are essential for the proper operation of the machine's hydraulic systems, including the boom, arm, and bucket movements. Leakage can lead to reduced efficiency, increased wear and tear, and even equipment damage.
HITACHI EX700 OIL SEAL, 165 X 136.5 X 12 MM (OEM HI 0884501) | Tonkee®

The dimensions of 165 x 136.5 x 12mm play a pivotal role in ensuring a proper fit and seal within the specific components of the Hitachi EX700 excavator.

The 165mm outer diameter is designed to fit precisely into the housing or assembly where the oil seal is installed. This snug fit is essential for preventing oil leakage and maintaining hydraulic system integrity. The 136.5mm inner diameter accommodates the component, such as a shaft, which passes through the oil seal. The 12mm thickness of the oil seal is crucial for creating a secure barrier against fluid leakage.

The material composition of the oil seal is of utmost importance. Typically, oil seals are constructed from high-quality rubber or elastomeric materials. These materials are chosen for their resistance to oil, chemicals, and temperature variations. They are also known for their flexibility, which enables the oil seal to maintain a tight seal even as the components it surrounds undergo movement and pressure changes.

The primary function of the Hitachi EX700 oil seal is to prevent the leakage of hydraulic fluids or lubricants from the excavator's various hydraulic and mechanical components. These fluids are essential for the proper operation of the machine's hydraulic systems, including the boom, arm, and bucket movements. Leakage can lead to reduced efficiency, increased wear and tear, and even equipment damage.

Installation of the oil seal is a precise process that requires careful attention to detail.

It is typically placed in a housing or groove within the machine's components, ensuring that it forms a barrier between the rotating or moving parts and the surrounding environment. Proper installation is critical for the oil seal to perform its sealing function effectively.

Maintenance of the oil seal is essential to prevent leaks and maintain the excavator's performance. Regular inspections should be conducted to check for signs of wear, damage, or deterioration of the oil seal. If any issues are identified, prompt replacement is necessary to avoid fluid leaks that could lead to costly repairs and downtime.

Additionally, ensuring that the oil seal is properly lubricated is crucial for its longevity and effectiveness. Lubrication reduces friction and heat buildup, which can extend the lifespan of the seal and prevent premature failure.
165 X 136.5 X 12 MM (OEM HI 0884501) | Tonkee® HITACHI EX700 OIL SEAL