Hot sale HITACHI EX120-2-3-5 BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®

Hot sale HITACHI EX120-2-3-5 BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX120-2-3-5 BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee® Easy Installation: The kit is designed for ease of installation by qualified technicians. It typically includes detailed instructions to guide the installation process, reducing downtime and labor costs.
Longevity: A high-quality seal kit should have a long service life, reducing the frequency of replacements and associated maintenance costs. The materials used in the kit are selected to withstand wear and tear over an extended period.
 HITACHI EX120-2-3-5, BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®

Material Composition: The seal kit is typically made of high-quality materials, such as rubber, polyurethane, or other synthetic compounds, known for their durability and resistance to hydraulic fluids.

These materials are selected to withstand the harsh operating conditions in construction and excavation environments.

Seal Types: The kit comprises various types of seals, including piston seals, rod seals, wiper seals, and wear rings. Each type of seal serves a specific function in preventing fluid leakage and maintaining hydraulic pressure.

Compatibility: The seal kit is specifically designed for use with the Hitachi EX120-2, EX120-3, and EX120-5 hydraulic excavators. It is engineered to match the dimensions and specifications of the boom ram in these machines, ensuring a proper fit and optimal performance.

Sealing Performance: The seals in the kit are engineered to provide excellent sealing performance, even under high-pressure conditions. They are designed to minimize friction and wear, thus extending the life of the boom ram and reducing maintenance costs.

Resistance to Environmental Factors: The seals are resistant to a range of environmental factors, including temperature variations, exposure to dirt and debris, and contact with hydraulic fluids. This ensures reliable operation in diverse working conditions.

Easy Installation: The kit is designed for ease of installation by qualified technicians.

It typically includes detailed instructions to guide the installation process, reducing downtime and labor costs.

Longevity: A high-quality seal kit should have a long service life, reducing the frequency of replacements and associated maintenance costs. The materials used in the kit are selected to withstand wear and tear over an extended period.

Safety and Reliability: Properly functioning seals are essential for the safe and efficient operation of the excavator. A reliable seal kit helps prevent hydraulic leaks and maintains the stability and control of the boom during operation.

Cost-Effective Solution: Investing in a genuine Hitachi seal kit ensures that the excavator's hydraulic system operates efficiently, which can lead to cost savings in terms of reduced downtime, repairs, and maintenance.