China HITACHI EX100 120-2-3 TRACK ADJUSTER ROD SCREW (OEM HI 3050431) | Tonkee®

China HITACHI EX100 120-2-3 TRACK ADJUSTER ROD SCREW (OEM HI 3050431) | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX100 120-2-3 TRACK ADJUSTER ROD SCREW (OEM HI 3050431) | Tonkee®
Due to the high tension involved in the track adjustment system, safety is paramount during installation and maintenance. Technicians should follow safety protocols to prevent accidents and ensure the secure functioning of the excavator.
The condition of the track adjuster rod screw directly impacts the excavator's overall performance. Improper tension can lead to uneven track wear, reduced stability, and increased maintenance costs. Therefore, timely replacement and maintenance are critical.
HITACHI EX100 120-2-3 TRACK, ADJUSTER ROD SCREW (OEM HI 3050431) | Tonkee®

The track adjuster rod screw is an integral part of the excavator's undercarriage system. Its primary function is to adjust the tension of the tracks.

Proper tensioning of the tracks is essential for maintaining stability, ensuring smooth operation, and prolonging the life of the undercarriage components.

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Component:
The HITACHI EX100 120-2-3 Track Adjuster Rod Screw is an OEM part, meaning it is manufactured by Hitachi themselves or a trusted supplier authorized by Hitachi. OEM parts are designed to meet the exact specifications and quality standards required by the original equipment manufacturer, ensuring compatibility and performance.

Part Number (OEM HI 3050431):
The part number, HI 3050431, is a unique identifier that helps in ordering the correct replacement part. It ensures that the replacement part is compatible with the specific model and version of the Hitachi excavator.

Material and Durability:
This track adjuster rod screw is typically made from high-strength alloy steel. This material choice is critical as it must withstand heavy loads, extreme conditions, and frequent adjustments without compromising its structural integrity.

Thread Design:
The screw features a precise thread design tailored to fit the corresponding components of the track tensioning system. The threads ensure a secure connection and enable smooth adjustments to maintain the desired track tension.

Size and Dimensions:
The dimensions of the track adjuster rod screw are carefully engineered to fit precisely within the excavator's track adjuster assembly.

It is crucial that the size and length match the original component to ensure proper functioning.

Corrosion Resistance:
Heavy machinery like excavators often operates in challenging environments where exposure to moisture, dirt, and debris is common. The track adjuster rod screw may feature corrosion-resistant coatings or materials to withstand these conditions and maintain its performance over time.

Installation and Maintenance:
Replacing the track adjuster rod screw requires technical expertise and should be carried out according to Hitachi's recommended procedures. Proper maintenance, including regular inspections and lubrication, is essential to extend the lifespan of this component.

Safety Considerations:
Due to the high tension involved in the track adjustment system, safety is paramount during installation and maintenance. Technicians should follow safety protocols to prevent accidents and ensure the secure functioning of the excavator.

Impact on Machine Performance:
The condition of the track adjuster rod screw directly impacts the excavator's overall performance. Improper tension can lead to uneven track wear, reduced stability, and increased maintenance costs. Therefore, timely replacement and maintenance are critical.
ADJUSTER ROD SCREW (OEM HI 3050431) | Tonkee® HITACHI EX100 120-2-3 TRACK