Buy HITACHI EX100 120 ZX120 200 TOOLBOX COVER GAS STRUT (OEM HI 4352457) | Tonkee®

Buy HITACHI EX100 120 ZX120 200 TOOLBOX COVER GAS STRUT (OEM HI 4352457) | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX100 120 ZX120 200 TOOLBOX COVER GAS STRUT (OEM HI 4352457) | Tonkee®
This gas strut is specifically designed for the Hitachi EX100, ZX120, and ZX200 excavator models. These models have unique dimensions and requirements, and the OEM HI 4352457 gas strut is engineered to meet these specifications precisely. This ensures a perfect fit, eliminating the risk of compatibility issues and potential damage to the toolbox cover or other components.
HITACHI EX100 120 ZX120 200, TOOLBOX COVER GAS, STRUT (OEM HI 4352457) | Tonkee®

The toolbox cover gas strut plays a significant role in the operation of these excavators.

This component is designed to assist in the opening and closing of the toolbox cover. It uses gas pressure to create a controlled and smooth motion, ensuring that the cover opens and closes securely without sudden movements or the need for manual force. This feature is not only convenient for operators but also enhances safety on the worksite by preventing accidental injuries caused by heavy toolbox covers.

The OEM HI 4352457 gas strut is a genuine Hitachi replacement part. Being an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) component means that it is manufactured by Hitachi or an authorized supplier, guaranteeing compatibility, quality, and reliability. When it comes to heavy machinery like the Hitachi excavators, using genuine OEM parts is essential to maintain the equipment's performance and longevity.

This gas strut is specifically designed for the Hitachi EX100, ZX120, and ZX200 excavator models. These models have unique dimensions and requirements, and the OEM HI 4352457 gas strut is engineered to meet these specifications precisely. This ensures a perfect fit, eliminating the risk of compatibility issues and potential damage to the toolbox cover or other components.

In terms of construction, the OEM HI 4352457 gas strut is built to withstand the harsh working conditions commonly encountered in construction and excavation sites.

It is constructed from durable materials that can withstand exposure to dirt, dust, moisture, and various weather conditions. This durability is essential to ensure the longevity of the gas strut and maintain its performance over time.

Maintenance of the gas strut is relatively straightforward. Regular inspections are recommended to check for signs of wear, damage, or leakage of gas. If any issues are detected, timely replacement with a genuine OEM part like the HI 4352457 is crucial to avoid equipment downtime and potential safety hazards.
HITACHI EX100 120 ZX120 200 STRUT (OEM HI 4352457) | Tonkee® TOOLBOX COVER GAS